How Attorney SEO Strategies Can Increase Your Website’s Click Through Rate
Using attorney SEO strategies will increase the likelihood of a potential client finding your firm online. These strategies are all about improving your website’s performance and creating a branded presence. By improving the website’s click through rate, branding exposure, and content, you’ll be able to increase your ranking on Google. Here are some steps you can take to get started. The first step is to improve your website’s design. If your website is confusing, visitors will leave your site and go to a competitor.
The next step in attorney SEO is to focus on the local panel in Google search results. This is a feature that displays in the right-hand sidebar. It provides information about businesses within a specific area. This panel is an extension of your Google Business Profile. When creating your attorney SEO campaign, make sure to target the area of Google’s search results that is most important to your firm, and evaluate the impact these changes will have on your visibility. As Google continues to update its algorithms, it’s important to keep up with the changes, or risk losing the opportunity to gain a prominent position in search results.
Whether your firm needs an SEO strategy to improve its search engine rankings or boost its website traffic, hiring a legal SEO agency can help your firm reach its goals. The firm you choose should understand the unique marketing challenges of law firms. SEO firms should be able to maximize the effectiveness of their services while staying within the rules of professional conduct.
Word count also matters when it comes to the top rankings on Google. While higher word counts mean more information, they don’t necessarily mean higher quality content. Searchers look for information on legal issues, so if you have a page about car accidents, it will probably rank high in searches for car accident lawyers. But, if you’re dealing with divorces, child custody cases, or other legal issues, your page may rank well for other keywords, too.
The navigation of your site is another crucial factor in attorney SEO. Many people search for things on their mobile devices, so it’s imperative to make your website as mobile-friendly as possible. The top-level navigation bar should be easy to read and navigate on mobile devices. It should include an easy-to-understand button to contact your firm.
Creating a good profile on social media platforms is another way to improve SEO. If your website can create trust with the public, you’ll be able to attract more qualified leads. Likewise, being listed on legal directories in your area can help your SEO as people trust businesses that are listed on these directories. The best way to get listed on legal directories is to be consistent in your profile. By submitting relevant articles, you’ll be able to create a branded presence and enhance your rankings in Google.
Another important SEO strategy for attorneys is to create practice-specific landing pages. Practice-specific landing pages should link to the practice areas within your firm, so that search engines can determine which pages are relevant to a given topic. The practice-area-specific landing page should be elevated with supporting pages. This practice-specific siloing strategy will increase your site’s overall ranking power and increase the number of targeted keyword phrases.
Attorney SEO is a vital part of a law firm’s overall success. It involves a comprehensive SEO strategy and the creation of content. It also involves distributing content on social media, boosting social media, and increasing brand authority. By utilizing these strategies, attorneys can achieve a top spot on Google and exponential growth.
Another important SEO strategy for attorneys is to publish articles and blog posts. Published articles attract visitors from specific metro areas and improve the firm’s branded exposure within the area. These articles also help law firms gain exposure in adjacent markets. This strategy also helps increase the website’s content production, which makes Google crawl your website more frequently.